Meow Meow Foundation

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Meow Meow Foundation Co-Founder Elena Matyas has Died

See below. Elena’s husband Doug Forbes has produced a message, made a video and written a song to honor the wife he will forever love to the stars and back. Lyrics to the song are below the video. Never forget Elena. Never forget Roxie.

We ask that, in lieu of flowers, food or other acts of kindness, donations be made to the foundation in a continuing effort to protect millions of children from preventable harm at camps and aquatics environments.

Doug will persist by sharing his story with as many federal lawmakers and community gatekeepers as possible. His goal is to pass federal camp safety legislation within three years, which would be 50 years after then-Senator and eventually Vice President Walter Mondale attempted to do so. The foundation expects to pass California’s first camp safety act this year and is about to pass camp safety and drowning prevention ordinances in Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous county, with more than 10 million residents.